Making sure you have credible information with regards to back pain is essential to improving your chances of recovery. With this in mind I thought I would clear up some common myths that are often brought up during treatment.

Myth 1: My father/mother suffered with back pain so that means I will as well

Fact: For the vast majority of conditions related to back and neck pain, there is no genetic predisposition, which means that parents do not pass their back conditions onto their children.

Myth 2: Rest is the best way to treat back pain

Fact: The two main reasons bed rest may be recommended for back pain are to reduce the pressure on the discs in the spine and to stop the mechanical stresses that are irritating pain receptors. A short period of bed rest may help reduce acute back pain. However, in most instances, more than 1 or 2 days of rest can be detrimental to recovery from back pain, potentially leading to increased pain and other adverse results such as muscle wasting, loss of fitness, blood clots and loss of earnings.

Myth 3: An MRI scan, X-ray or other diagnostic test is needed to diagnose my back problem

Fact: Most health professionals can develop a successful treatment approach based on a thorough medical history and physical examination. Only specific symptom patterns in a minority of cases indicate the need for an MRI scan or other diagnostic tests. Typically, an MRI scan is used when patients are not responding to appropriate back pain treatment.

Myth 4: The abnormality/back problem on my MRI scan needs to be cured

Fact: An abnormality that is seen on an imaging test (MRI, CT scan) does not necessarily cause back pain or other symptoms. In fact, the vast majority of people who never have had an episode of low back pain will have abnormalities (such as a herniated disc or degenerative disc) on an imaging test. For patients experiencing low back pain, 92%-96% can be treated successfully without having to have back surgery.

Myth 5: The spine is fragile and easily injured

Fact: The spine and its surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments comprise a well-designed structure that’s incredibly strong, flexible and supportive. To help maintain the back and spine, proper conditioning is needed – including strengthening, flexibility and aerobic conditioning. While there are some exceptions to the rule (such as an unstable spinal fracture), the back does not need to be overprotected after recovering from a typical episode of back pain.

Myth 6: If I have back pain and back problems when I am young, it will get worse as I age

Fact: The incidence of back pain is actually highest between the ages of 35 and 55. After age 55, people usually have less pain – especially discogenic pain (back pain or other pain or symptoms caused by disc problems). While disc degeneration is a natural part of the aging process, it is not always accompanied by pain.

Myth 7: Severe back pain correlates to the level of back damage

Fact: With acute pain, the level of pain correlates to the level of damage (e.g. if you touch a hot iron, you will immediately feel a great deal of pain). However, with chronic back pain (lasting longer than 6 weeks), the amount of pain does not typically correlate to the amount of damage.

Myth 8: If no specific back problem is found, my pain must be psychological

Fact: Many cases of back pain will not follow the typical medical approach of a specific structural diagnosis and cure, but the pain is still real. While psychological factors, such as depression and sleeplessness will often need to be included as part of a comprehensive treatment program for back pain, there are also a variety of nonsurgical care options that can help alleviate the back pain. Additionally, persistent back pain symptoms should be investigated by a qualified osteopath or spinal specialist to rule out any serious problems such as a spinal tumor or infection.

If you have any questions or would like a myth cleared up that I haven’t mentioned or alternatively would like to book a treatment to ease your back pain then please give me a call on 020 3488 0585 or send me an email.